Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Oxygen Saturation Levels

Oxygen Saturation Levels: Their Implications
Oxygen is a vital need for every living entity. But how do you go about measuring how much oxygen is contained in your blood, or in the water you drink or in the air you breathe? The answer lies in the term 'oxygen saturation'. Relative measurement of oxygen content that is carried or dissolved in a given medium is termed as oxygen saturation. In a human body, oxygen saturation is a measure of oxygen that is dissolved in blood.
 A normal human body needs a constant oxygen supply for healthy functioning. Low oxygen saturation levels identified in blood can lead to serious and life threatening medical conditions.Normal oxygen levels in body range between 95-100% at sea level. If the percentage goes below the oxygen saturation normal range or drops even less than 80%, it indicates that the blood contains very low level of oxygen. Some facts to remember on this:
  • If the oxygen saturation falls below normal oxygen saturation levels (i.e. less than 92%), there is a strong probability of body succumbing to respiratory ailments such as hypoxemia. Hypoxemia is a respiratory ailment diagnosed by symptoms of body ache,fatigue, shortness of breath and confusion.
  • As the blood oxygen levels are low, the oxygen is unable to penetrate the walls of red blood cells. In cases of low oxygen levels in the body, people are afflicted with weakening eye sight,memory loss, weakening heart muscles, tingling fingers, chronic cough and water retention at feet and ankles.
  • Low oxygen saturation in blood is most possible in cases of already existing respiratory illnesses, retention of excess fluid in body, sleep apnea and inhaling extremely polluted aiR.

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